


  • This server provides a computational tool to predict epidemics' spreading based on a stochastic individual dynamical (SID) model. This SID model was designed to mimic the propagation's random and heterogeneous nature by tracking everyone's motion. It offers a unifying framework for representing the spatiotemporal variations of the epidemic development. A detailed description of the code and the parameters could be found on the Tutorial page. Please refer to that section before using our program.

    If you use this server, please cite the following reference when publishing your work:" Individual dynamics and local heterogeneity provide a microscopic view of the epidemic spreading," Youyuan Zhu, Ruizhe Shen, Hao Dong,* & Wei Wang*, (2020)

    Should you have any questions, please contact Prof. Hao Dong by Email:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. At consequuntur deserunt ipsa maiores natus, nihil possimus quae quam temporibus voluptate. Ducimus eos expedita ipsa laudantium minima necessitatibus nisi officiis possimus.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusamus accusantium alias aut, beatae commodi debitis delectus, eligendi eveniet hic laboriosam libero molestias nihil nisi quaerat repellat reprehenderit repudiandae sunt vero.

  • Job Description

    User's email *

    Job name *

    Basic Parameters

    particle number, N

    box length, L

    temperature, T

    recording interval(in 10-3 day)

    simulation time (in day)

    dynamic pattern

    initial number of the infected ones, NI
    initial number of the removed ones, NR
    infection probability, pSI
    remove probability, pIR
    social distancing, dc

    Extra Parameters